Electricity and Natural Gas Aggregation Programs
In November 2012 the residents of the Village authorized the Village Council to implement aggregation programs for electricity and natural gas. The purpose of the aggregation programs is to provide a choice and to lower cost obtained by consolidating the consumption of all residents and small businesses. A secondary benefit is to minimize the potential of fraud, which frequently occurs when individual residents act on their own.
Our first round of contracts for both services ended with savings for natural gas in excess of $10,000 and electricity savings of $83,000. New contracts became effective in October 2014 with a supplier named IGS, which will serve both natural gas and electricity. The rate for electricity is $0.0576 per kWh, which is about 7% lower the Duke Energy’s current rate of $0.0621. The natural gas rate is $5.28 (including sales tax) per 1000 cubic feet, which is about 12% lower than Duke Energy’s gas rate of $6.028 as of December 2014. Duke’s gas rate does change each month.
If you are not under contract with a supplier and you want to join either aggregation program you should call IGS at 800-280-4474. There are no charges to join or leave either program at any time. If you decide to join either program, make sure to mention the Cleves aggregation program and have your Duke Energy bill handy since IGS will ask for your account number.
If you have questions about either aggregation program you may contact the Village’s consultant, Eagle Energy at 251-7283.