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The Village of Cleves has adopted the Ohio Basic Code, which contains provisions which the Cleves Police Department enforces, including traffic and criminal offenses. In addition to the provisions of the Ohio Basic Code, the Village has adopted a number of other specific Ordinances which include criminal sanctions upon violation. Those are listed below.

The on-line versions of the Village of Cleves Ordinances, related legislation, and regulations are not the official versions. The only officially published version is available through the office of the Clerk of the Village of Cleves, located at the Village Administration office, 92 Cleves Avenue, Cleves, Ohio 45002, 513-941-5127. These on-line versions may, occasionally, differ from the official version and should be relied upon for general information purposes only.

Animal Control
Bicycles, Mopeds and Motorcycles
Chronic Nuisance (*updated: 08/01/2022)
Curfew (*updated: 02/17/2015)
Fire Alarms
Garbage Collection
Grass and Weed Control
Junk Cars, Litter and Refuse (*updated: 02/17/2015)
Littering and Handbills
Debris on Highway
Parental Responsibility
Property Maintenance
Rental Units and Permits
Rules for Parades (*updated: 02/17/2015)
Sexually Oriented Businesses
Conduct in Sexually Oriented Businesses
Smoking in Municipal Building
Snow Emergency Authorization
Temporary Closing of Taverns
Trimming Trees/Shrubbery in Right of Way
Vacant Property Registration and Maintenance


* The term 'updated' means the date this page was updated with the indicated ordinance and not the date of the ordinance.